Welcome to “Dinner and a Movie”!

Welcome to Dinner and a Movie, the blog celebrating my twin loves of food (eating and cooking) and cinema.
My hope is that you will find this blog entertaining, interesting or even inspirational (not in a “this blog changed by life” kind of way, but more in a “I thought I’d try that recipe, it didn’t sound too difficult” kind of way).
On the film front, watch out for my reviews of everything from the latest blockbusters, to recent Blu-ray releases, and even a few all-time classics. As a change from the unrelenting negativity on some parts of the internet, I generally try to look for the positives, judging a film against what it is trying to be, and whether it’s likely to appeal to whatever its target audience is. I also try to steer clear of spoilers as far as possible, so you should be able to read the reviews without worry on that front.
On the culinary side of things, I’ll be posting recipes that I’ve tried (everything from quick weekday meals and easy comfort food, to my attempts at fine dining), as well as reviews for meals out (again, covering everything from cheap, family friendly eats, to options for special occasions).
I hope to keep things fairly informal, and with any luck you’ll find something of interest whatever your gastronomic or cinematic tastes.
Hope you enjoy!