2016’s Cinematic Highlights

I’m not one to rush into choosing my favourite films of the year until a good few months into the next one, mainly on the basis that I may not have seen all of the films I want to from the previous year by January of the next. But that said, as it’s Hollywood’s annual awards season at the moment, I do like to hand out a few prizes of my own.
So without further ado, here are some of my highlights from 2016’s (UK) cinematic releases.
Best Original Screenplay of 2016 – The Hateful Eight. There aren’t many writers or directors that could make an entertaining film out of what is essentially just eight or so characters looked in a room for three hours, but Quentin Tarantino managed it. Also, a special award for Best Facial Hair of 2016 has to go to Kurt Russell’s glorious moustache.
Animated Film of 2016 – Zootropolis (or “Zootopia” as it was known in the States). As a parent of young children, I see a fair few animated films, some good, some not so. But Zootropolis was a film I’d quite happily watch time and again without my children, it was that good. An honourable mention also goes to Moana – 2016 was quite the year for Disney's Animation Studios.
Feel Good Film of 2016 – Eddie The Eagle. It’s a good job I remember these events from my childhood, otherwise I would never believe this was a true story. In these troubled times, it’s the perfect feel-good underdog story, and it can’t fail to put a smile on your face.
Game-changer of 2016 – Deadpool. Perceived wisdom was that R-rated films couldn’t make money any more (which had led to the watering down of plenty of action/thriller franchises), but Deadpool proved that quality was (perhaps unsurprisingly) more important than ratings when it comes to box-office success. Plus, it’s nice to see a labour of love pay off in such a big way.
Best “Infotainment” of 2016 – The Big Short. How do you explain complex financial concepts and dry economic data in a satirical comedy that also packs a hefty political punch? Who knew the answer was to put Margot Robbie in a bubble-bath!
Most Divisive Film of 2016 – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Most of the world hated it, but I (and three other people) loved it. Go figure.
Biggest Disappointment of 2016 – X-Men: Apocalypse. Controversial choice, perhaps, and I’m not saying it was the worst film of 2016 by any stretch. But I had such high expectations after the incredible X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse in comparison was an absolute mess and a wasted opportunity to do something truly special with such a talented cast.
Hidden Gem of 2016 – The Nice Guys. As a big fan of Shane Black’s 2005 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I was really looking forward to seeing The Nice Guys. I loved it, but as far as I’m aware, only about 12 people saw it, which is a really shame. And that brings me on to…
Comedy of 2016 – Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. If only 12 people saw The Nice Guys, that was still about 10 more than saw Popstar. I was really looking forward to this film, but had to travel over 30 miles to find a cinema that was showing it on its single week of cinematic release (and I live right next to a 15-screen multiplex). It was well worth the effort, and for me, was hands down the comedy of the year (with Deadpool a close second, although that’s more of an “action-comedy”, if I’m allowed to split hairs). Also, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping takes the Best Soundtrack of 2016 award – I loved it so much I downloaded the album in the car park of the cinema after seeing the film, and listened to it on my 30-mile drive home!
Most Pointless Remake of 2016 – Point Break. Do you remember that 1991 classic thriller starring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze? Of course you do. Have you already forgotten that there was a 2016 remake? Yes, yes you have.
Favourite Cinematic Moment of 2016 – Star Trek Beyond. I won’t spoil the context for anyone who’s not seen the film yet, but the “Sabotage” scene was a straight-up, fist-pump-the-air moment…
So these are my (somewhat light-hearted) awards and highlights for 2016 in film. It's probably fair to say you won't be seeing these categories at the Oscars any time soon! Watch this space for my official Top Ten of 2016 in due course, but for now, you might want to check out some of the above highlights if you’ve not seen them already.